Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Writing for Him

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." ~Romans 8:28

When you are a writer, it's common to feel pressured. There are so, so many expectations. Expectations from readers, publishers, agents, and of course yourself. You feel like you are always trying to prove yourself, and it can be exhausting.

I was feeling this way today, as I am busy with several huge projects and tasks. I have a binder of Bible verses sitting on my desk so I flipped through and turned to Romans 8:28. It reminded me that the whole point of what I do is to do it with a love for God, putting Him first.

So I thought I'd share the verse with you, reminding you of His promise. When we love God and seek Him with all our heart, all things will work out according to His perfect plan.

So chin up and remember that it's God's pleasure and glory that matters above all things!

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